Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pretty knitted

I love this type of art, so thoughtful somehow. 
Those completely ice cold metal bodies, at least they have pretty knitted hats. 
I hope they are feeling a little less sad and lonely.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Frozen roses

Must have been a wedding this weekend, found some traces outside the church.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


A lovely sunny sunday with the artgroup!
We went to Liljevalchs Vårsalong, an annual exhibition where whoever wants can send in art and a jury look at the pieces and decide who can be shown or not. 
A wonderful mix of materials and styles - inspiring indeed. 
We finished with a lovely lunch at Blå Porten close by. 
Arty as should. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Street art Paris

I found some pics from Paris in november  - although it looks rainy I would LOVE to be there right now, inspiration, cafes, exhibitions, design and french instead of snow in Sigtuna and -11. In my mind I am a wizard swinging my magic wand and tadaaa I am in Montmartre. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tant Brun

We payed our splendid local coffee place a visit. 
Lovely as always.
Tant Brun coming from an old childrens book. 

She was one of the three sisters Lady Brown, Lady Green and Lady Purple and
they lived together withe the terrible Uncle Blue who spanked the children and had a bitter life.
 Elsa Beskow was however a wonderful illustrator. Her tales are my kids 
favourites and some of them were written in 1932. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tracks in the snow

In the wintertime I really understand how many more families than mine are living in our garden!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Monchichi blanket

I made some mini blankets for the monchichis - tiny granny squares from left over yarn. 
Quick and easy!